Unveiling the feedback secret: Your bridge to academic success


I’m Lala Ismayilova from Azerbaijan and I had the privilege of being an international Master’s student at the University of Bristol in the academic year 2022/2023 to study Education Leadership and Policy (MSc.). This enabled me to fully comprehend the blend of excitement that accompanies studying in a foreign land.

In this blog post, I aim to shed light on the transformative influence of formative feedback, emphasizing how it can serve as a vital conduit to achieving academic excellence during your tenure at this esteemed institution. (more…)

Cultural shocks and surprises as a UoB MSc Education international student

My name is Emmanuella Henshaw and I am a 2021 Commonwealth shared scholar at the University of Bristol. I am studying for an MSc in Education (Policy and International Development).

In September 2021, I began my studies at the School of Education. In this article I will be sharing my academic shocks I have experienced studying at University of Bristol. (more…)